The Kenwood TS-660 is a very handy QRP rig, covering 4 bands, including 6 metres.
I have not seen too many of these rigs in Australia, however when the opportunity arose to purchase one of these “pre-loved” rigs, I jumped at the chance.
The TS-660 also features two VFO’s and two individual antenna sockets, one for 21-24-28 MHz and one for 6 metres.
Plus it has a squelch circuit and control which works for AM, SSB, CW and FM – ideal for monitoring frequencies without the noise!
This is a delightful rig and has been a very useful addition to my shack, with the rig mainly used on 10 metres SSB/FM and 6 metres FM.
Frequency Range
15 metre band 21.000 – 21.350MHz
12 metre band 24.500 – 24.999MHz
10 metre band 28.000 – 29.700MHz
6 metre band 50.000 – 53.900MHz
Modes FM, SSB, CW, AM
Receiver sensitivity FM – 1uV for 30dB S/N, 0.4uV for 12dB S/N
SSB, CW – 0.25uV for 10dB S/N
AM – 1 uV for 10dB S/N
Output power SSB, CW, FM 10 watts AM 4 watts
Power requirements 12-16v DC Receive 1Amp Transmit SWR < 1.5 4 Amps
IF rejection Better than 70dB
Selectivity SSB, CW, AM – 2.4kHz (-6dB) 4.2kHz (-60dB) FM – 15kHz (-6dB) 32kHz (-60dB)
Squelch sensitivity 0.32uV at threshold (FM)
Antenna impedance 50 ohm
Microphone AF output 1.5 watts into an 8 – 16 ohm load
Dimensions 241 mm Wide x 94mm High x 236 mm Deep
Weight 4.9 kg